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Perfil para Stanley Harwood (stanhrwood)

Stanley Harwood's Avatar
  • Rank: Novato
  • Data de Registro: 21 Dez 2017
  • Fuso Horário: GMT -3:00
  • Hora Local: 13:35
  • Exibições de Perfil: 200
  • Karma: 0
  • Localização: Desconhecido
  • Sexo: Indeciso
  • Aniversário: Indeciso


How are you! There's not much to say about me really, just your typical guy. My favorite TV shows are American Horror Story, Outlander, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I have 4 childred that I love very much. Sigmund Freud is my idol. I know everything about them. Right now, I'm reading American

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