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Perfil para Frank Preston (frnkprston)

Frank Preston's Avatar
  • Rank: Novato
  • Data de Registro: 11 Dez 2017
  • Fuso Horário: GMT -3:00
  • Hora Local: 15:34
  • Exibições de Perfil: 181
  • Karma: 0
  • Localização: Desconhecido
  • Sexo: Indeciso
  • Aniversário: Indeciso


Hello. I am pretty easy going and down to earth. I can't wait to the new Avengers as I've been a fan for years. I drive a Plymouth Laser. It's my dream car and I have plans to fix it up. I recently lost a lot of weight through good exercise and a lot of dedication. I'm also also interested in Card c

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